Once you have decided on the project that best suits your characteristics and preferences, it's time to plan your trip, and I don't mean to book flights or buy sportswear, from GOTONGO we recommend that months before your volunteer work you do an exercise in self-criticism, it will help you enjoy the experience to the fullest.

Have your preferences clear; there are thousands of projects, make sure you are clear that the project of your choice coincides with your values, and even more important, the private chat on the web is very useful, trust your instincts, if you see that you don't fit in, don't jump in!

Keep an active communication; before, during and after the volunteering. The resolution of doubts, even the formation of links prior to your trip will greatly improve the whole experience.

Proactivity and availability; from the moment you land until your last day walking around the organization, work the agreed hours and if you can help a little more it would be for sure welcome, your time and work are invaluable, don't waste it.

Respect and consideration; throughout your stay, that place and its people will become your home, your family. As in any coexistence, it will have its ups and downs, it is normal, but you must do your part by respecting the rules, and contributing to the care of the organization (physically and mentally).

The language; volunteering is full of new opportunities of knowledge, one of them is the language, not only it is necessary for good communication, but it will contribute to level up your professional qualities like; improvement of your level, improvement of your communicative skills and improvement of your social and interpersonal skills.

Commitment and confidence; once you accept the project proposed by the NGO, you will be accepting a commitment to punctuality, attitude, and work. It will no longer be about what you want, but about what others need.

Be prepared; volunteering is a unique experience, as with everything it will have its positive and negative aspects. You have to be mentally prepared to face those grey days when the world seems to be throwing itself at you, from common homesickness to frustration and, of course, disappointment. With this last point, we also have to talk about expectations that are too high, everyone has their own experience.

But above all, expect the unexpected, as in every trip, there are bound to be situations that even with the best preparation cannot be avoided, but smile and look forward to it, when you look back you will not regret it.

Enjoy every moment, every second, you will live as you have never lived before.